
Empower Your Organization with Data-Driven Insights: Unveil the Future of Business Development

Making informed decisions is crucial in today’s rapidly evolving workplace. Data and analytics are becoming the cornerstone of organizational development. How can you ensure that you always have the right insights at your fingertips? Enter our innovative dashboards, your centralized hub for powerful, visually compelling data that supports strategic planning and optimization. Discover the Possibilities:

Unleash the Full Potential of Your Employees

Introduction In a time when effective talent management is crucial for a company’s success, bluquist offers an intelligent and data-driven solution to maximize your employees’ potential and optimize your HR processes. Companies face numerous challenges in talent management – from inefficient recruiting to inadequate employee development. bluquist solves these problems through innovative technologies and tailored

A Day in the Life of Isabella: Navigating HR with bluquist

In the bustling world of HR, a typical day for Isabella begins at dawn, before the office hums with activity. She settles into her workspace with a steaming cup of coffee, ready to tackle the day’s challenges. As the head of HR at a forward-thinking company, Isabella’s mission is clear: harness the power of data

Unlocking Human Potential: The Future of Talent Development with bluquist

In today’s dynamic business landscape, visionary professionals like Isabella recognize that the future of HR is rooted in data-driven talent management solutions. bluquist leads this transformation, offering a cutting-edge platform that uses data to elevate employee development and enhance organizational performance. A Data-Driven Revolution in People Analytics The evolution of HR practices is powered by

Johannes Ehrhardt, Founder und CEO von bluquist, war beim “The People Equation” Podcast eingeladen! (german only)

Jetzt bei Apple Podcast und Spotify! Johannes Ehrhardt, Founder und CEO von bluquist, war beim “The People Equation” Podcast eingeladen!  HR Analytics mag trocken klingen, doch Johannes schafft es immer wieder, Menschen von den Themen die ihn bewegen, zu begeistern. Eine Firma ist wie ein Ökosystem, das gesund sein muss um effizient zu arbeiten. Performance

bluquist talks mit Johannes

bluquist talks mit Johannes content Watch on YouTube

Data-based potential analysis – Go or Nogo? Podcast with Prof. Dr. Tobias Schütz from ESB Business School

In our video podcast, Prof. Dr. Tobias Schütz, Professor of Marketing and Customer Science at the ESB Business School at Reutlingen University, talks to Johannes Ehrhardt about the topic of #potentialrecognition and #potentialdevelopment. He sees the low prevalence of #potentialanalysis in Germany as a missed opportunity. Previous experience should not be the only criterion to

How HR & Recruiting become a success factor with Paul Taaffe

In our video podcast, Paul talks to Johannes about the developments in recruiting, the differences between American and European mindsets in recruiting, and the much-needed change of thinking in HR departments due to a lack of vision and strategy. You’ll also get Paul’s personal insights from over 25 years in Finance & Recruiting. Paul Taaffe

Check your entrepreneurial personality!

Innovation is primarily created by combining interdisciplinary experience and skills. At bluquist, systemic partnerships are of great importance to create innovative products. That is why we have teamed up with the business succession specialists from KERN to provide entrepreneurs in the DACH region with a unique digital assistance. Executives in family businesses and potential successors

BLUQUIST raises 900,000 EUR!

It is amazing that we have been able to win over investors for the! The market-leading private investor network of the DACH region Companisto believes in BLUQUIST, in our ideas – recognizes what we have already achieved and invests a total of 900,000 EUR! We will do everything in in line with our slogan “Measure.