All your assessments inone place
Personal, customizable,scalable
Potential-based people development
Intelligent roles and career paths
Lead peoplestrengths-based
Match talent to skill, culture and team fit
Unlock powerful insights with integrated surveys
Boost wellbeing & resilience in the organization
Discover new product features
Your personal human potential assistant
Enterprise-ready assessments & business integrations.
Talk to us for custom HRM integrations!
Complementary psychometric & consulting services
Comprehensive industry insights
Our set of core technologies
Innovation is primarily created by combining interdisciplinary experience and skills. At bluquist, systemic partnerships are of great importance to create innovative products.
That is why we have teamed up with the business succession specialists from KERN to provide entrepreneurs in the DACH region with a unique digital assistance.
Executives in family businesses and potential successors receive clarity about their individual personality, strengths and potentials. And they learn about possible risks deriving out of their individual personality structure. Those are relevant to deal with when taking over leadership of a family business.
Our product is fully digital to support our clients during the remote pandemic times. It is based on different scientific models, which bring an even greater value in our unique combination. On top, our expert team is ready to support entrepreneurs individually.
KERN’s brings in many years of experience in the field of succession consulting and management consulting. Togehter with bluquist’s digital expertise we were able to launch the product this year: (german version only)
The product has won the German Business Innovator Award 2021! This is a great achievement on our journey to support people with entrepreneural strengths on their individual paths.
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