All your assessments inone place
Personal, customizable,scalable
Potential-based people development
Intelligent roles and career paths
Lead peoplestrengths-based
Match talent to skill, culture and team fit
Unlock powerful insights with integrated surveys
Boost wellbeing & resilience in the organization
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Enabling a global organization to provide skills-based assessments for thousands of people on 3 continents.
A bluquist success story featuring Gonzalo Ninaus, Global Talent Management & Development Director @ Campari Group
The organisational challenge:
Skills and talent shortages are critical challenges facing companies and societies today. The absence of relevant skill metrics and information impacts on business growth, hinders economic prosperity and inhibits individuals from realizing their full potential. Employers like Campari Group embrace holistic Talent Management. Therefore, in the transition towards a talent and skill-centric global organization, Campari Group was looking for a comprehensive solution that would support them in collecting, aggregating, and analyzing all relevant talent data within one system to support every person in the organization in becoming talent-aware and development focused while at the same time ensuring that the employee experience is consistent everywhere.
The solution with bluquist:
Campari Group initiated, with bluquist’s support, a strategic journey towards a talent-centric future in 2023, establishing a roadmap for the next three years.
As a global company with diverse talent assessment needs, Campari Group needs to monitor the diverse levels of leadership traits, skills, and capabilities in the teams and functional units in the global organization.
The bluquist platform supported Campari Group to set up their own global multi-language system to run all assessments for the organizational needs, among them: Leadership Assessments, 360 Degree Assessments, Skill Assessments, Learning Progress Assessments, and more to be planned. Additionally, they now receive real-time insights regarding the status and development of their organization, planning accordingly. Meanwhile, this strengthens consistency in the assessment experience for all “Camparistas” as every employee goes through the same platform, connected to their core HRIS system.
How it’s going:
Since Q4 2023 Campari Group has onboarded more than 3.900 people on bluquist for personal development, assessment and talent development functions.
They are approaching the Talent Development Strategy with a measure – match – grow principle that bluquist ist also driving as a core strategy.
With the complete function set of the system they are running all the different assessments like 360 and functional assessments to measure what matters while the bluquist psychometric team has developed up to date more than a dozen objective assessments for functional roles that are run globally in 9 languages to collect comprehensive skill and talent data.
Additionally the Campari Talent Team is currently approaching the next step of implementing real time insights dashboards based on the bluquist analytics suite which will present and visualize the data for decision making purposes which represents the match aspect.
Furthermore based on the assessment results more effective debriefing and 1:1 sessions are informed throughout the whole organisation which helps employees to grow professionally and personally.
Decision reason 1
Decision reason 2
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Leverage your approach with ease by combining your 360s with potential, performance and well-being tools. Create a insight and recommendation hub for organizational growth.
All your assessments inone place
Personal, customizable,scalable
Potential-based people development
Intelligent roles and career paths
Lead peoplestrengths-based
Match talent to skill, culture and team fit
Boost wellbeing & resilience in the organization
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