All your assessments inone place
Personal, customizable,scalable
Potential-based people development
Intelligent roles and career paths
Lead peoplestrengths-based
Match talent to skill, culture and team fit
Unlock powerful insights with integrated surveys
Boost wellbeing & resilience in the organization
Discover new product features
Your personal human potential assistant
Enterprise-ready assessments & business integrations.
Talk to us for custom HRM integrations!
Complementary psychometric & consulting services
Comprehensive industry insights
Our set of core technologies
Decode your personal self-discovery journey with your personal AI-powered assistant.
Very soon available.
The Talent & Potential Platform
The HR platform designed to improve employee motivation, health, and performance. With bluquist you can focus on building a human-focused workforce. Invest in bluquist today and start becoming a human-centric organization.
Discover the personality, preferences and strengths of your employees and candidates.
Identify the person who will perform best in a specific role and who best fits the team culture.
With the right people on your team, everyone’s performance, commitment and well-being measurably improves.
Every person is unique. With bluquist, you gain deep insights into the personalities of your employees and candidates and find out what drives them to perform at their best. This is future of the world of work.
BalancedYou™ is an integrated health and performance program for companies that are committed to the health and performance of their employees without compromise.
With bluquist you can see which candidate is the best fit for the job and the team with just one click. This way you can fill new positions over 30% faster.
With bluquist, you minimize the risk of hiring the wrong person because you can easily identify which candidate is the best fit for the job and the team.
With bluquist you get to know the needs, preferences and potentials of your employees. Therefore it is much easier for you to lead your team.
With bluquist you create the best working environment for your employees. This increases the productivity of your teams by over 20%.
With insights from bluquist, you can create a healthier work environment and can reduce the number of sick days by over 25%.
With bluquist, you make bias-free personnel decisions and thus increase the diversity in your team. This strengthens creativity and innovation.
The bluquist core technologies
Unleash the full potential of your organization with bluquist’s unified talent platform fueled by cutting-edge technologies. Discover a competitive edge and drive success with our seamless platform today.
Assessment & Data Hub
Our unique aggregation of assessments leads to holistic and meaningful insights into the personality, values, preferences and competencies of employees and candidates and forms the basis for your HR decisions.
Clients & Partners
For us, a comprehensive analysis of potential is of high importance for ensuring successful company succession, both for candidates and companies. Bluquist has found a new, direct and comprehensive way to do this. We appreciate this very much and use the high quality of a digital assessment for our projects in the purchase and sale of companies as well as in the generation change.
BLUQUIST revolutionizes the way organisations fill and manage roles, develop people, form teams, and manage organisational complexity.
Leading means creating the best conditions for each individual talent, enabling development within the organisation and thus moving the organization forward as a whole. BLUQUIST generates incredible momentum in this area.
Working with BLUQUIST, companies gain an integral set of bio-psychic data that provides a previously untapped understanding of needs, inner strengths, and ideal development opportunities for employees.
Developing personalities and forming teams requires a holistic and comprehensive view of the person and the personality of a person. With BLUQUIST you have the possibility to match different perspectives, to develop persons and to form teams. A VALUEable approach.
We take our responsibility to protect your data very seriously. bluquist is software from Potsdam, Germany, hosted in Germany. Besides, we use only the highest industry standards to ensure data protection and confidentiality.
We comply with all requirements of the European GDPR to create a legally secure framework for working with bluquist in the EU.
bluquist works with state-of-the-art technology in all data exchange with SSL encryption. All user data is encrypted and transmitted between users and our systems.
bluquist is developed in Potsdam and all user data is stored on German servers. We only work with service providers registered in Germany for our cloud infrastructure.
Data security has the highest priority for us. Therefore, our data protection has been audited by IITR.
Experience bluquist for yourself and see the positive changes you can make with our tool.