All your assessments inone place
Personal, customizable,scalable
Potential-based people development
Intelligent roles and career paths
Lead peoplestrengths-based
Match talent to skill, culture and team fit
Unlock powerful insights with integrated surveys
Boost wellbeing & resilience in the organization
Discover new product features
Your personal human potential assistant
Enterprise-ready assessments & business integrations.
Talk to us for custom HRM integrations!
Complementary psychometric & consulting services
Comprehensive industry insights
Our set of core technologies
With bluquist you can accelereate your recruiting decision process by a factor of up to 200% for recruiters and candidates while improving quality of hiring overall for all involved.
With bluquist you can increase your retention KPIs measurably after 6-9 months after implementation.
With bluquist you can increase the satisfaction with your employee development processes thus reaching NPS scores in the spheres of 9.5 out of 10.
With bluquist your leaders will feel more confident in leading employees and teams, even through difficult situations.
bluquist dashboards reveals with detailed data and insights where your organisation needs most support to shine thus helping you make impactful investments.
Most organisations lack real time talent and potential data to support their workforce. With bluquist you will finally reach a state of confident people development organisation wide.
All your assessments inone place
Personal, customizable,scalable
Potential-based people development
Intelligent roles and career paths
Lead peoplestrengths-based
Match talent to skill, culture and team fit
Boost wellbeing & resilience in the organization
Discover new product features
Our support team is happy to help you
Your personal human potential assistant