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In May, we received the final approval for a research and development grant within the ProFIT program of the Investitionsbank des Landes Brandenburg (ILB). The entire BLUQUIST team is pleased about a funding amount of about 1.2 million euros for the next 1.5 years.
The funds come from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). They are made available through the Brandenburg Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labor and Energy (MWAE) and the ILB Brandenburg. These grants are awarded to companies and projects that are considered critical and forward-looking for Germany as a business location. They are intended to contribute to maintaining and expanding the competitiveness of the region, Germany and the EU. Further information on the program is available here:
This is a substantial milestone for BLUQUIST, as this budget allows us to build a research and development team consisting of psychologists, psychometricians, organizational experts, data science experts and developers. It expands our capacity to continue working on model validations and essential methodologies such as an AI-powered recommendation algorithm for our clients.
An interdisciplinary team of experts has already started with the basic work packages and is now beginning with requirements analyses with our users and customers – because they are always the focus of our developments.
If you are interested in a joint research project or data-driven pilot project, please contact us: