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Delivering Configurable Assessments & Development Insights for Global Coaching Journeys
A bluquist success story featuring Torben Mottes, CPO @ CoachHub and Mija Pulodi, Principal Product Manager @ CoachHub
The organisational challenge:
Since 2021, CoachHub has rapidly grown to become the leading digital coaching platform globally. Starting five years ago, they expanded quickly and needed a flexible solution to provide diverse assessments alongside their global coaching processes including configurable programs, with the ultimate goal of giving clients better visibility into the impact of coaching. Recognizing the critical role of assessments in effective coaching, CoachHub conducted a thorough analysis to explore market options that could seamlessly integrate into their processes, offering configurable programs and 180, 360, and third-party integrations. They sought a digital people analytics solution that seamlessly integrated with their coaching platform, ensuring scalability, data security, and compliance with international regulations. Their goal was to implement a robust assessment system to enhance the coaching experience for both clients and coaches.
The solution with bluquist:
Since 2022, bluquist has supported CoachHub with the seamless integration of third-party assessments through a unified interface. In 2023, we expanded this strategic partnership, embarking on a new integration project. This project, now completed, empowers CoachHub to offer fully customizable web-based peer assessments in any configuration, accommodating as many peer groups as needed to meet the unique requirements of their global clients. A standout feature of this integration is bluquist’s core API approach, which allows for automatic tailoring of initial and follow-up 360 evaluations based on the individual strengths and traits of each Coachee. This innovation significantly enhances the effectiveness of coaching sessions by providing real impact measurement data.
How it’s going:
The bluquist integration went live in February 2024. CoachHub has now made this feature a standard part of every coaching program globally. This decision enables CoachHub to host thousands of individual 360 assessment configurations automatically and concurrently.
To further elevate this capability, CoachHub and bluquist have intensified their collaboration, aiming to make impact measurements the industry-leading standard for enhancing the quality and effectiveness of coaching programs.
By fully embracing the “measure – match – grow” philosophy, we ensure that strengths-based traits are measured before and during each coaching program. This optimization of coaching themes between Coach and Coachee fosters greater personal and organizational grow
Decision reason 1
Decision reason 2
Decision reason 3
Leverage your approach with ease by combining your 360s with potential, performance and well-being tools. Create a insight and recommendation hub for organizational growth.
All your assessments inone place
Personal, customizable,scalable
Potential-based people development
Intelligent roles and career paths
Lead peoplestrengths-based
Match talent to skill, culture and team fit
Boost wellbeing & resilience in the organization
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