
mit datengestützten Personalentscheidungen erfolgreich meistern

Die fortschrittlichste Plattform für Personalbewertung & Analytics


Restrukturierungen – ob Auf- oder Abbau – erfordern präzise Planung, fundierte Entscheidungen und den Fokus auf das Potenzial der Mitarbeitenden. Bluquist revolutioniert diesen Prozess mit einer innovativen Plattform, die maßgeschneiderte Einblicke liefert, um Ihr Unternehmen sicher durch den Wandel zu führen.

Workforce Entscheidungen
bestmöglich transformieren

Holistic insights

Get in-depth, aggregated insights into assessment and survey data across various demographics like country, age, profession or career level.

Informed decision-making

With the power of the data at your hands, drive informed decision-making and change processes and invest in development and learning exactly where needed.

Intuitive visualizations

Easily understand your data through intuitive visualizations tailored to your company- and assessment-specific data structure.

Interactive exploration

Use global and cross-filtering between charts to interactively explore them and gain a deeper understanding of your people.

Holistic insights

Get in-depth, aggregated insights into assessment and survey data across various demographics like country, age, profession or career level.

Informed decision-making

With the power of the data at your hands, drive informed decision-making and change processes and invest in development and learning exactly where needed.

Dynamic data access

Give your leadership and HR teams the insight levels they need through custom access rights management.

Intuitive visualizations

Easily understand your data through intuitive visualizations tailored to your company- and assessment-specific data structure.

Interactive exploration

Use global and cross-filtering between charts to interactively explore them and gain a deeper understanding of your people.

Export options

Download charts as PNG or export their underlying dataset to CSV or Excel for further use in presentations, reports or analyses.

Workforce Entscheidungen
bestmöglich transformieren

Peer-basierte Insights

Nutzen Sie die Einschätzungen von Führungskräften und Teamleitern, um Mitarbeitende auf individuell angepassten Dimensionen zu bewerten, die auf Ihre Unternehmensziele abgestimmt sind. Bluquist sorgt für aussagekräftige Analysen in Bereichen wie Leistung, Potenzial, Anpassungsfähigkeit und Kompetenzprofil.

Individuelle Empfehlungen:

Treffen Sie fundierte Entscheidungen für jede Person – von Rollenwechseln über Umschulungen, Weiterbildung und Beförderungen bis hin zu Übergangsprogrammen. So stellen Sie sicher, dass alle Maßnahmen strategisch abgestimmt sind.

Integrierte Datenintelligenz:

Binden Sie HR- und Stammdaten aus Ihren bestehenden Systemen nahtlos in die dynamischen Dashboards von Bluquist ein, um eine umfassende und verlässliche Entscheidungsgrundlage zu schaffen.

Expertenunterstützung durch Prisma Insights:

Lassen Sie sich von den erfahrenen Berater:innen von Prisma Insights durch den gesamten Restrukturierungsprozess begleiten. Von der Strategieentwicklung bis zur Umsetzung sorgen externe Expert:innen für eine reibungslose und menschenzentrierte Transformation.

Dashboards showcase

Get a comprehensive real time understanding of your organization’s talent data like strengths, competencies, development progress and more in fully digital and beautiful dashboards.

Custom insights - Tailored to your needs

Your dashboard is tailored to your company- & assessment-specific data and requirements. We offer a multitude of visualizations ready-made to best illustrate your data. With custom access rights management for different user groups you can decide who can view which subset of the data.

Demographics &

Explore the demographics of your participants using the global filters and cross-filtering. Track their participation and assessment status to drive the assessment completion across your organization’s subgroups.

Skill comparison & development

Always work with your people on those areas that really help them grow. By comparing skill gaps between different subgroups, you can identify their development potential, establish the training programs they need, and foster mutual learning and exchange.

Perspectives &

Understand the perspectives of different peer groups to identify differing expectations on role content or requirements and uncover power dynamics which hinder open feedback culture in certain subgroups. Visualize the perception of strengths and weaknesses in your organization and find the ones that are yet unrecognized.

Evolution & predictive analysis

Track the evolution of assessment results from recurring assessments to measure the effectiveness of recent learning programs or change initiatives. Pair them with surveys to even better understand the learning and development needs of your people for the future.

Everything in one Place

The complete suite for Human Potential

Leverage your approach with ease by combining your 360s with potential, performance and well-being tools. Create a insight and recommendation hub for organizational growth.

Assessment hub

All your assessments in
one place

360 reviews

Personal, customizable,

Talent analytics

Potential-based people development

Role management

Intelligent roles and career paths

Team dynamics

Lead people


Match talent to skill, culture and team fit

Health & prevention

Boost wellbeing & resilience in the organization

Product updates

Discover new product features


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bluquist AI

Your personal human potential assistant

Unleash the potential, performance and well-being of your business now

Start transforming your business today with a free health check here.