
Find the right person for your vacancy

Open positions are often filled on the basis of less than informative resumes and data. It is not uncommon to find out after some time that the new person does not fit the team, culture or role. To ensure that talents feel comfortable in the company in the long term and have a high willingness to perform, the cultural fit and the personality fit play a significant role.

Use our candidate-module to identify the person who fits best to the role, the team and the company culture.

How it works:

1. Create and manage all your vacancies

Our tool allows you to easily create and manage all vacancies in your company. This way, you keep track of which positions are still open and which people from your pool match which teams and vacancies.

2. Compare candidates with each other.

Define personal and professional requirements for a specific role and receive data-based support. Evaluate and compare your candidates quickly and holistically based on our assessments. You can flexibly set which assessments you want your candidates to complete.

3. Identify the rigth person.

With our comprehensive analysis process, you receive a matching score for each person about the fit to the role. This simplifies your decision-making process and you quickly find the person who best fits the role and the team.

The candidate-module includes:

  • Matching scores and comparison charts of candidates
  • Overview of vacancies on company and team level
  • Easy creation and management of your vacancies
  • Comprehensive description of vacancies including meta data such as salary range, location, remote share, type of employment, etc.
  • Easy assignment of candidates to vacancies and teams

Nils Körber - CEO of KERN

KERN Unternehmensnachfolge relies on bluquist when it comes to matching succession candidates to the right company and providing them with the optimal training and development recommendations. 

Try it out for free!

Experience bluquist for yourself and see the positive changes you can make with our tool.